Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Thoughts - Finals

Hey guys!

In two weeks finals are starting and I was hoping I would start to feel the pressure, but no. So I start counting the days, counting my pages,... instead of studying.

Most people think studying law is just studying everything by heart. Guess what: you're wrong. My university is a little bit smaller, so we have the wonderfull opportunity to have oral exams (yeah?). During an oral exam (seeing the professor up close instead of 10 meters away) I tend to forget everything, or almost everything. I have this weird talent of knowing on what page the correct answer is written and where on that page, but can't seem to remember the words... How wonderfull! So you get these situations where you start situating the problem and end up saying 'But what there was written is a mystery', and the professors never tend to help you, how funny of them. So they just start asking questions with dubious answers... I just love oral exams.

A few weeks ago, I read an article about studying for finals. They were talking about making a schedule, so I did. The only problem you have as an procrastinator is thinking you have plenty of time. Conclusion: making a schedule is NOT an option. I do exaggerate a little, I am perfectly capable of following my own schedule, the only problem is I always (think I) have other things to do. So my solution is locking myself up in a room without stuff around me: 'The Bathtub' (If you consider studying in your bath, please do remind yourself you'are lieing in water, I tend to drop my pages).

Making a long story short: I am currently 'studying' criminal law at the library. Guess what I am doing, blogging about it. I hope you guys are better students than I am. If not, great now I am not alone!

Happy finals!

Kisses, Shannen