Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Aren't we all a little weird? Well, I sure am!
I have always been the kid that was doing what she felt like doing, even if that meant scaring my math teacher in 3rd year of secundary school (Yes you, Mr. Rodriguez!).
PLUS it is hard not to be in my family, my dad is the eternal inner child and is a professor in silly dad jokes (which I really like...).
So when I found this blue gem with my character tagged on it, I had to have it.
Wear it with pride!

I have been completely in love with bodycon skirts and pencil skirts! I think I finally accept the hourglass I am, although I love pairing them with huge slouchy tops, oops!

I love this combination so much, especially the skirt! It is soooooo soft and I love the front knot (it covers a food-baby pretty good!). It is 'put together', but casual at the same time. Add a classic red lip and a nice pair of heels, tadaa: Party look done.

What have you been loving lately?